Robert Schwartz 2024

Conducting collaborative research locally, nationally and globally.

Robert Schwartz 2024

Wiley.jpg Effects of cannabis legalisation on patterns of cannabis consumption among adolescents in Ontario, Canada (2001- 2019)
Created by Sameer Imtiaz, Yeshambel Nigatu, Marcos Sanches, Farihah Ali, Angela Boak, Laura Douglas, Hayley Hamilton, Jürgen Rehm, Sergio Rueda, Robert Schwartz, Samantha Wells, Tara Elton-Marshall.
Cannabis legalisation was enacted on 17 October 2018 in Canada. Accordingly, the effects of cannabis legalisation on patterns of cannabis consumption were examined among adolescents…
Cannabis Legalization and Driving under the Influence of Cannabis and Driving under the Influence of Alcohol among Adult and Adolescent Drivers in Ontario, Canada (2001–2019).
Created by Sameer Imtiaz, Yeshambel Nigatu, Farihah Ali, Branka Agic, Tara Elton-Marshall, Huan Jiang, Jürgen Rehm, Sergio Rueda…
Background The impacts of cannabis legalization on driving under the influence of cannabis and driving under the influence of alcohol among adults and adolescents were examined in Ontario, Canada…

E-Cigarette Dependence and Depressive Symptoms Among Youth
Created by Michael Chaiton, Jingchuan Fan, Susan Bondy, Joanna Cohen, Jolene Dubray, Thomas Eissenberg, Pamela Kaufman & Robert Schwartz.

Although the relationship between smoking and depression has been well-established, little is known about the association between use of e-cigarette and depression, particularly among youth…


elsevier.jpg Milestones in the natural course of the onset of e-cigarette dependence among adolescents and young adults: Retrospective study
M. Pienkowski, M. Chaiton, S.J. Bondy, J.E. Cohen, J. Dubray, T. Eissenberg, P. Kaufman, M.B. Stanbrook, J. O'Loughlin, J. Dos Santos, R. Schwartz
There is considerable controversy about the development of dependence among e-cigarette users. This study describes the average amount of time using e-cigarettes before dependence milestones emerge and the differences in developing dependence between…




The Institute for Mental Health Policy Research
Centre for Addiction and Mental Health
33 Ursula Franklin Street (Ursula Franklin and Spadina)
Toronto ON - M5S 2S1