Alexander Tran 2023

Conducting collaborative research locally, nationally and globally.

Alexander Tran 2023


Jiang, H., Tran, A., Petkeviciene, J., Stelemekas, M., Lange, S. & Rehm, J. 2023. Are Restrictions in Sales Hours of Alcohol Associated with Fewer Emergency Room Visits in Lithuania? An Interrupted Time-Series Analysis. Drug Alcohol Rev, 42(2):487-494.

Kokole, D., Ferreira-Borges, C., Galea, G., Tran, A., Rehm, J. & Neufeld, M. 2023. Public Awareness of the Alcohol-Cancer Link in the Eu and Uk: A Scoping Review. European Journal of Public Health, 33(6):1128-1147.

Lange, S., Jiang, H., Stelemekas, M., Tran, A., Cherpitel, C., Giesbrecht, N., Gostautaite Midttun, N., Jasilionis, D., Kaplan, M.S., Manthey, J., Xuan, Z. & Rehm, J. 2023. Evaluating the Impact of Alcohol Policy on Suicide Mortality: A Sex-Specific Time-Series Analysis for Lithuania. Arch Suicide Res, 27(2):339-352.

Llamosas-Falcon, L., Tran, A., Jiang, H. & Rehm, J. 2023. Liver Holidays? A Meta-Analysis of Drinking the Same Amount of Alcohol Daily or Non-Daily and the Risk for Cirrhosis. Drug Alcohol Rev, 42(1):119-24.

Miscikiene, L., Tran, A., Petkeviciene, J., Rehm, J., Vaitkeviciute, J., Galkus, L., Lange, S. & Stelemekas, M. 2023. A Mystery-Shopping Study to Test Enforcement of Minimum Legal Purchasing Age in Lithuania in 2022. Eur J Public Health, 33(2):317–322.

Radišauskas, R., Štelemėkas, M., Petkevičienė, J., Trišauskė, J., Telksnys, T., Miščikienė, L., Gobina, I., Stoppel, R., Reile, R., Janik-Koncewicz, K., Zatonski, W., Lange, S., Tran, A., Rehm, J. & Jiang, H. 2023. Alcohol-Attributable Mortality and Alcohol Control Policy in the Baltic Countries and Poland in 2001–2020: An Interrupted Time-Series Analysis. Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy, 18(1):65.

Rehm, J., Badaras, R., Ferreira-Borges, C., Galkus, L., Gostautaite Midttun, N., Gobiņa, I., Janik-Koncewicz, K., Jasilionis, D., Jiang, H., Kim, K.V., Lange, S., Liutkutė-Gumarov, V., Manthey, J., Miščikienė, L., Neufeld, M., Petkevičienė, J., Radišauskas, R., Reile, R., Room, R., Stoppel, R., Tamutienė, I., Tran, A., Trišauskė, J., Zatoński, M., Zatoński, W.A., Zurlytė, I. & Štelemėkas, M. 2023. Impact of the Who "Best Buys" for Alcohol Policy on Consumption and Health in the Baltic Countries and Poland 2000–2020. The Lancet Regional Health - Europe, 33:100704.

Rehm, J., Ferreira-Borges, C., Kokole, D., Neufeld, M., Olsen, A., Rovira, P., Segura Garcia, L., Tran, A. & Colom, J. 2023. Assessing the Impact of Providing Digital Product Information on the Health Risks of Alcoholic Beverages to the Consumer at Point of Sale: A Pilot Study. Drug Alcohol Rev, 42(6):1332-1337.

Rehm, J., Jiang, H., Kim, K.V., Room, R., Rovira, P., Shield, K.D., Tran, A., Lange, S. & Stelemekas, M. 2023. Using Direct and Indirect Estimates for Alcohol-Attributable Mortality: A Modelling Study Using the Example of Lithuania. Eur Addict Res, 29(2):119-126.

Rehm, J., Lange, S., Gobina, I., Janik-Koncewicz, K., Miscikiene, L., Reile, R., Stoppel, R., Tran, A., Ferreira-Borges, C., Jasilionis, D., Jiang, H., Kim, K.V., Manthey, J., Neufeld, M., Petkeviciene, J., Radisauskas, R., Room, R., Liutkute-Gumarov, V., Zatonski, W.A. & Stelemekas, M. 2023. Classifying Alcohol Control Policies between 2000 and 2020 in Poland and the Baltic Countries to Model Potential Impact. Addiction, 118(3):449-458.

Vaitkeviciute, J., Gobina, I., Janik-Koncewicz, K., Lange, S., Miscikiene, L., Petkeviciene, J., Radisauskas, R., Reile, R., Stelemekas, M., Stoppel, R., Telksnys, T., Tran, A., Rehm, J., Zatonski, W.A. & Jiang, H. 2023. Alcohol Control Policies Reduce All-Cause Mortality in Baltic Countries and Poland between 2001 and 2020. Sci Rep, 13(1).

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