Robert Schwartz 2021

Conducting collaborative research locally, nationally and globally.

Robert Schwartz 2021

Chaiton, M., Schwartz, R., Cohen, J.E., Soule, E., Zhang, B. & Eissenberg, T. 2021. Prior daily menthol smokers more likely to quit two years after a menthol ban than non-menthol smokers: a population cohort study. Nicotine Tob Res.

Chaiton, M.O., Schwartz, R., Cohen, J.E., Soule, E., Zhang, B. & Eissenberg, T. 2021. The use of flavour cards and other additives after a menthol ban in Canada. Tob Control, 30(5):601-602.

Chaiton, M., Dubray, J., Guindon, G.E. & Schwartz, R. 2021. Tobacco Endgame Simulation Modelling: Assessing the Impact of Policy Changes on Smoking Prevalence in 2035. Forecasting, 3(2):267-275.

Chaiton, M., Musani, I., Pullman, M., Logie, C.H., Abramovich, A., Grace, D., Schwartz, R. & Baskerville, B. 2021. Access to mental health and substance use resources for 2SLGBTQ+ youth during the COVID-19 pandemic. Int J Environ Res Public Health, 18(21).

Chaiton, M., Schwartz, R., Kundu, A., Houston, C. & Nugent, R. 2021. Analysis of wholesale cigarette sales in Canada following a menthol ban. JAMA Netw Open, 4(11):2133673.

Hagen, L. & Schwartz, R. 2021. Is" less than 5 by 35" still achievable? Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention in Canada: Research, Policy and Practice, 41(10):288-291.

Hirsch, J. & Schwartz, R. 2021. Structural Conditions as Cause: Explaining the Rapid Rise in Youth E-Cigarette Use by Re-thinking Models of Addiction. Substance Use & Misuse, 56(12):1892-1899.

Jayakumar, N., Chaiton, M., Goodwin, R., Schwartz, R., O'Connor, S. & Kaufman, P. 2021. Co-use and Mixing Tobacco With Cannabis Among Ontario Adults. Nicotine Tob Res, 23(1):171-178.

Kundu, A., Chaiton, M., Billington, R., Grace, D., Fu, R., Logie, C., Baskerville, B., Yager, C., Mitsakakis, N. & Schwartz, R. 2021. Machine Learning Applications in Mental Health and Substance Use Research Among the LGBTQ2S+ Population: Scoping Review. JMIR Med Inform, 9(11):e28962.

Sanchez, S., Kaufman, P., Pelletier, H., Baskerville, B., Feng, P., O'Connor, S., Schwartz, R. & Chaiton, M. 2021. Is vaping cessation like smoking cessation? A qualitative study exploring the responses of youth and young adults who vape e-cigarettes. Addict Behav, 113:106687.

Soule, E.K., Dubray, J., Cohen, J.E., Schwartz, R. & Chaiton, M. 2021. Smoking cessation strategies used by former menthol cigarette smokers after a menthol ban. Addictive Behaviors, 123:107046.


The Institute for Mental Health Policy Research
Centre for Addiction and Mental Health
33 Ursula Franklin Street (Ursula Franklin and Spadina)
Toronto ON - M5S 2S1