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Abramovich, A., Pang, N., Kunasekaran, S., Moss, A., Kiran, T. & Pinto, A.D. 2022. Examining COVID-19 vaccine uptake and attitudes among 2SLGBTQ+ youth experiencing homelessness. BMC Public Health, 22(1):122.

Abramovich, A., Pang, N. & Moss, A. 2022. Experiences of family violence among 2SLGBTQ + youth at risk of, and experiencing, homelessness before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Gay & Lesbian Mental Health:1-24.

Abramovich, A. & Moss, A. 2022. This Year We Must Prioritize 2SLGBTQ+ Youth Experiencing Homelessness. In Magazine.

Chaiton, M., Billington, R., Copeland, I., Grey, L. & Abramovich, A. 2022. Mental health and addiction services exclusive to LGBTQ2S+ during COVID-19: An environmental scan. Int J Environ Res Public Health, 19(10).

Khan, M., MacEntee, K., Kiptui, R., Van Berkum, A., Oudshoorn, A., Ayuku, D.O., Apondi, E., Lee, E.O.J., Abramovich, A., MacDonald, S.A. & Braitstein, P. 2022. Barriers to and facilitators of accessing HIV services for street-involved youth in Canada and Kenya. BMC Public Health, 22(1):1901.

Kirubarajan, A., Barker, L.C., Leung, S., Ross, L.E., Zaheer, J., Park, B., Abramovich, A., Yudin, M. & Lam, J.S.H. 2022. LGBTQ2S+ childbearing individuals and perinatal mental health: a systematic review. BJOG, 129(10):1630-1643.

Kundu, A., Fu, R., Grace, D., Logie, C., Abramovich, A., Baskerville, B., Yager, C., Schwartz, R., Mitsakakis, N., Planinac, L. & Chaiton, M. 2022. Correlates of past year suicidal thoughts among sexual and gender minority young adults: A machine learning analysis. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 152:269-277.

Lam, J.S.H., Abramovich, A., Victor, J.C., Zaheer, J. & Kurdyak, P. 2022. Characteristics of transgender individuals with emergency department visits and hospitalizations for mental health. Psychiatr Serv, 73(7):722-729.

MacKinnon, K.R., Kia, H., Salway, T., Ashley, F., Lacombe-Duncan, A., Abramovich, A., Enxuga, G. & Ross, L.E. 2022. Health care experiences of patients discontinuing or reversing prior gender-affirming treatments. JAMA Netw Open, 5(7):e2224717.

Shokoohi, M., Kinitz, D.J., Pinto, D., Andrade-Romo, Z., Zeng, Z., Abramovich, A., Salway, T. & Ross, L.E. 2022. Disparities in alcohol use and heavy episodic drinking among bisexual people: A systematic review, meta-analysis, and meta-regression. Drug Alcohol Depend, 235:109433.

Somé, N.H., Shokoohi, M., Shield, K.D., Wells, S., Hamilton, H.A., Elton-Marshall, T. & Abramovich, A. 2022. Alcohol and cannabis use during the COVID-19 pandemic among transgender, gender-diverse, and cisgender adults in Canada. BMC Public Health, 22(1):452.

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