Wickens, C.M., McDonald, A.J., Stoduto, G., Di Ciano, P., Hamilton, H.A., Elton-Marshall, T., Nigatu, Y.T. & Mann, R.E. 2023. Risk Perceptions of Driving under the Influence of Cannabis: Comparing Medical and Non-Medical Cannabis Users. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 95:36-45.

Wickens, C.M., Popal, V., Fecteau, V., Amoroso, C., Stoduto, G., Rodak, T., Li, L.Y., Hartford, A., Wells, S., Elton-Marshall, T., Hamilton, H.A., Taylor, G.W., Kupferschmidt, K.L. & Agic, B. 2023. The Mental Health Impacts of the Covid-19 Pandemic among Individuals with Depressive, Anxiety, and Stressor-Related Disorders: A Scoping Review. PLoS One, 18(12):e0295496.

Di Ciano, P., Brands, B., Fares, A., Wright, M., Stoduto, G., Byrne, P., McGrath, M., Hasan, O.S.M., Le Foll, B. & Wickens, C.M. 2023. The Utility of THC Cutoff Levels in Blood and Saliva for Detection of Impaired Driving. Cannabis Cannabinoid Res, 8(3):408-413.

Toccalino, D., Moore, A., Cripps, E., Gutierrez, S.C., Colantonio, A., Wickens, C.M., Chan, V., Nalder, E. & Haag, H. 2023. Exploring the Intersection of Brain Injury and Mental Health in Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence: A Scoping Review. Frontiers in Public Health, 11.

Ye, W.Q.W., Rietze, B.A., McQueen, S., Zhang, K., Quilty, L.C. & Wickens, C.M. 2023. Barriers to Accessing Mental Health Support Services in Undergraduate Medical Training: A Multicenter, Qualitative Study. Acad Med, 98(4):491-496.