Lange, S., Jiang, H., Bagge, C., Probst, C., Tran, A., & Rehm, J. (2022). Gender-specific risk relationship between heavy alcohol use/alcohol use disorders and suicidal thoughts and behavior among adults in the United States over time. Social psychiatry and psychiatric epidemiology, 1-6. |
Lange, S., Rehm, J., Tran, A., Bagge, C., Jasilionis, D., Kaplan, M., Meščeriakova-Veliulienė, O., Štelemėkas, M., Probst, C. (accepted) Comparing gender-specific suicide mortality rate trends in the United States and Lithuania, 1990-2019: putting one of the “deaths of despair” into perspective. BMC Psychiatry. |
Tran, A., Jiang, H., Kim, K. V., Room, R., Štelemėkas, M., Lange, S., Rovira, P., Rehm, J. (accepted) Predicting the Impact of Alcohol Taxation Increases on Mortality—A Comparison of Different Estimation Techniques. Alcohol and Alcoholism |
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2022 Publications resulting from NIAAA grant on Lithuania (in alphabetical order)