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Image ModifiedMichael Chaiton, Jingchuan Fan, Susan Bondy, Joanna Cohen, Jolene Dubray, Thomas Eissenberg, Pamela Kaufman & Robert Schwartz.
Although the relationship between smoking and depression has been well-established, little is known about the association between use of e-cigarette and depression, particularly among | youth and young adults. This study proposes that e-cigarette dependence, rather than simplyAmerican Journal of Preventative Medicineyouth… Image Added
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Image AddedM. Pienkowski, M. Chaiton, S.J. Bondy, J.E. Cohen, J. Dubray, T. Eissenberg, P. Kaufman, M.B. Stanbrook, J. O'Loughlin, J. Dos Santos, R. SchwartzThere is considerable controversy about the development of dependence among e-cigarette users. This study describes the average amount of time using e-cigarettes before dependence milestones emerge and the differences in developing dependence between… |