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Rehm, J., Kilian, C. & Manthey, J. 2021. Future of surveys in the alcohol field. Drug Alcohol Rev, 40(2):176-178. |
Rehm, J., Kilian, C., Rovira, P., Shield, K.D. & Manthey, J. 2021. The elusiveness of representativeness in general population surveys for alcohol. Drug Alcohol Rev, 40(2):161-165. |
Rehm, J., Patra, J., Brennan, A., Buckley, C., Greenfield, T.K., Kerr, W.C., Manthey, J., Purshouse, R.C., Rovira, P., Shuper, P.A. & Shield, K.D. 2021. The role of alcohol use in the aetiology and progression of liver disease: A narrative review and a quantification. Drug Alcohol Rev. |
Rehm, J., Probst, C., Falcón, L.L. & Shield, K.D. 2021. Burden of Disease: The Epidemiological Aspects of Addiction. In: El-Guebaly, Nady, Carrà, Giuseppe, Galanter, Marc & Baldacchino, Alexander M. (eds.). Textbook of Addiction Treatment: International Perspectives. 51-64. Cham: Springer International Publishing. |
Rehm, J. & Purshouse, R.C. 2021. Causality and initiation of alcohol control policy. A response to Allamani. Drug and Alcohol Review, 40(7):1389-1391. |
Rehm, J., Rovira, P., Llamosas-Falcón, L. & Shield, K.D. 2021. Dose–response relationships between levels of alcohol use and risks of mortality or disease, for all people, by age, sex, and specific risk factors. Nutrients, 13(8):2652. |
Rehm, J. & Shield, K.D. 2021. Alcohol Use and Cancer in the European Union. Eur Addict Res, 27(1):1-8. |
Rehm, J., Stelemekas, M., Ferreira-Borges, C., Jiang, H., Lange, S., Neufeld, M., Room, R., Casswell, S., Tran, A. & Manthey, J. 2021. Classifying Alcohol Control Policies with Respect to Expected Changes in Consumption and Alcohol-Attributable Harm: The Example of Lithuania, 2000-2019. Int J Environ Res Public Health, 18(5). |
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Anderson, P., Manthey, J., Llopis, E.J., Rey, G.N., Bustamante, I.V., Piazza, M., Aguilar, P.S.M., Mejia-Trujillo, J., Perez-Gomez, A., Rowlands, G., Lopez-Pelayo, H., Mercken, L., Kokole, D., O'Donnell, A., Solovei, A., Kaner, E., Schulte, B., de Vries, H., Schmidt, C., Gual, A. & Rehm, J. 2021. Impact of Training and Municipal Support on Primary Health Care-Based Measurement of Alcohol Consumption in Three Latin American Countries: 5-Month Outcome Results of the Quasi-experimental Randomized SCALA Trial. J Gen Intern Med. |
Anderson, P., O'Donnell, A., Kaner, E., Llopis, E.J., Manthey, J. & Rehm, J. 2021. Impact of minimum unit pricing on alcohol purchases in Scotland and Wales: controlled interrupted time series analyses. Lancet Public Health. |
Babor, T.F., Casswell, S., Rehm, J., Room, R. & Rossow, I. 2021. A Festival of Epiphanies: Three Revelations in Support of Better Alcohol Control Policies. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 82(1):5-8. |
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Carr, S., Rehm, J. & Manthey, J. 2021. Guidelines and reality in studies on the economic costs of alcohol use: a systematic review. The International Journal of Alcohol and Drug Research. |
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Elton-Marshall, T., Ali, F., Narkar, R., Hyshka, E., Shahin, R., Hopkins, S., Imtiaz, S., Graham, B., Garber, G. & Rehm, J. 2021. Harm reduction worker safety during the COVID-19 global |
Elton-Marshall, T., Wells, S., Jankowicz, D., Nigatu, Y.T., Wickens, C.M., Rehm, J. & Hamilton, H.A. 2021. Multiple COVID-19 Risk Factors Increase the Likelihood of Experiencing Anxiety Symptoms in Canada. Can J Psychiatry, 66(1):56-58. |
Fares, A., Wickens, C.M., Mann, R.E., Di Ciano, P., Wright, M., Matheson, J., Hasan, O.S.M., Rehm, J., George, T.P., Samokhvalov, A.V., Shuper, P.A., Huestis, M.A., Stoduto, G., Brown, T., Stefan, C., Rubin-Kahana, D.S., Le Foll, B. & Brands, B. 2021. Combined effect of alcohol and cannabis on simulated driving. Psychopharmacology (Berl). |
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Kilian, C., Manthey, J., Kraus, L., Makela, P., Moskalewicz, J., Sieroslawski, J. & Rehm, J. 2021. A new perspective on European drinking cultures: A model-based approach to determine variations in drinking practices across 19 European countries. Addiction.
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Jiang, H., Lange, S., Tran, A., Imtiaz, S. & Rehm, J. 2021. Determining the sex-specific distributions of average daily alcohol consumption using cluster analysis: is there a separate distribution for people with alcohol dependence? Popul Health Metr, 19(1):28. |
Kilian, C., Manthey, J., Carr, S., Hanschmidt, F., Rehm, J., Speerforck, S. & Schomerus, G. 2021. Stigmatization of people with alcohol use disorders: An updated systematic review of population studies. Alcohol Clin Exp Res, 45(5):899-911. |
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Kilian, C., Rehm, J., Allebeck, P., Braddick, F., Gual, A., Bartak, M., Bloomfield, K., Gil, A., Neufeld, M., O'Donnell, A., |
Kaner E Gual, A., Lopez-Pelayo, H, Rehm, J., Anderson, P. & de Vries, H. 2021. Perceived appropriateness of alcohol screening and brief advice programmes in Colombia, Mexico and Peru and barriers to their implementation in primary health care - a cross-sectional survey. Prim Health Care Res Dev, 22:e4.Lachenmeier, D.W., Neufeld, MLange, S., Bagge, C., Probst, C. & Rehm, J. 2021. Proportion of Individuals With Past-Year Suicidal Ideation Who Attempted Suicide Over the Past 10 Years in the United States, and the Influence of Age and Sex. Crisis, 42(2):152-156.
Lange, S. & Rehm, J. 2021. Commentary: The COVID-19 Pandemic Is Not a Good Time to Weaken Restrictions on Alcohol Availability. Healthc Policy, 16(4):25-30.
Llamosas-Falcon, L., Shield, K.D., Gelovany, M., Hasan, O.S.M., Manthey, J., Monteiro, M., Walsh, N. & Rehm, J. 2021. Impact of alcohol on the progression of HCV-related liver disease: A systematic review and meta-analysis. J Hepatol.
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Kilian, C., Rovira, P., Neufeld, M., Ferreira-Borges, C., Rumgay, H., Soerjomataram, I. & Rehm, J. 2021. |
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Campeny E Oliveras C Manthey J, Gual, A. & Balcells-Olivero, M.L.M. 2021. Early, chronic, and acute cannabis exposure and their relationship with cognitive and behavioral harms. Front Psychiatry, 12:643556.Lopez-Pelayo, H., Matrai, S., Balcells-Olivero, M., Campeny, E., Braddick, F., Bossong, M.G., Cruz, O.S., Deluca, P., Dom, G., Feingold, D., Freeman, T.P., Guzman, P., Hindocha, C., Kelly, B.C., Liebregts, N., Lorenzetti, V., Manthey, J., Matias, J., Oliveras, C., Pons, M.T., Rehm, J., Rosenkranz, M., Swithenbank, Z., van Deurse, L., Vicente, J., Vuolo, M., Wojnar, M. & Gual, A. 2021. Standard units for cannabis dose: Why is it important to standardize cannabis dose for drug policy and how can we enhance its place on the public health agenda? Int J Drug Policy, 97:103350.
Lopez-Pelayo, H., Matrai, S., Balcells-Olivero, M., Campeny, E., Braddick, F., Bossong, M.G., Cruz, O.S., Deluca, P., Dom, G., Feingold, D., Freeman, T.P., Guzman, P., Hindocha, C., Kelly, B.C., Liebregts, N., Lorenzetti, V., Manthey, J., Matias, J., Oliveras, C., Pons, M.T., Rehm, J., Rosenkranz, M., Swithenbank, Z., van Deurse, L., Vicente, J., Vuolo, M., Wojnar, M. & Gual, A. 2021. Supporting future cannabis policy - Developing a standard joint unit: A brief back-casting exercise. Front Psychiatry, 12:675033.
Manthey, J., Hassan, S.A., Carr, S., Kilian, C., Kuitunen-Paul, S. & Rehm, J. 2021. Estimating the economic consequences of substance use and substance use disorders. Expert Rev Pharmacoecon Outcomes Res:1-8.
Manthey, J., Hassan, S.A., Carr, S., Kilian, C., Kuitunen-Paul, S. & Rehm, J. 2021. What are the Economic Costs to Society Attributable to Alcohol Use? A Systematic Review and Modelling Study. Pharmacoeconomics, 39(7):809-822.
Manthey, J., Kilian, C., Carr, S., Bartak, M., Bloomfield, K., Braddick, F., Gual, A., Neufeld, M., O'Donnell, A., Petruzelka, B., Rogalewicz, V., Rossow, I., Schulte, B. & Rehm, J. 2021. Use of alcohol, tobacco, cannabis, and other substances during the first wave of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic in Europe: a survey on 36,000 European substance users. Subst Abuse Treat Prev Policy, 16(1):36.
McDonald, A.J., Cook, S., Turner, N.E., Ialomiteanu, A.R., Mann, R.E., Bondy, S.J., Roerecke, M., McCready, J., Millstone, D., Hamilton, H.A., Elton-Marshall, T., Rehm, J., Kurdyak, P., Ilie, G., Vingilis, E.R., Wickens, C.M., van der Maas, M. & Cusimano, M.D. 2021. Adult attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder symptoms and psychological distress, hazardous drinking, and problem gambling: A population-based study. Psychiatry Res, 301:113985.
Minian, N., Noormohamed, A., Lingam, M., Zawertailo, L., Le Foll, B., Rehm, J., Giesbrecht, N., Samokhvalov, A.V., Baliunas, D. & Selby, P. 2021. Integrating a brief alcohol intervention with tobacco addiction treatment in primary care: qualitative study of health care practitioner perceptions. Addict Sci Clin Pract, 16(1):17.
Neufeld, M., Bobrova, A., Davletov, K., Stelemekas, M., Stoppel, R., Ferreira-Borges, C., Breda, J. & Rehm, J. 2021. Alcohol control policies in Former Soviet Union countries: A narrative review of three decades of policy changes and their apparent effects. Drug Alcohol Rev, 40(3):350-367.
Neufeld, M., Bunova, A., Ferreira-Borges, C., Bryun, E., Fadeeva, E., Gil, A., Gornyi, B., Khaltourina, D., Koshkina, E., Nadezhdin, A., Tetenova, E., Vujnovic, M., Vyshinsky, K., Yurasova, E. & Rehm, J. 2021. The Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) in the Russian language - a systematic review of validation efforts and application challenges. Subst Abuse Treat Prev Policy, 16(1):76.
Neufeld, M., Rehm, J., Bunova, A., Gil, A., Gornyi, B., Rovira, P., Manthey, J., Yurasova, E., Dolgova, S., Idrisov, B., Moskvicheva, M., Nabiullina, G., Shegaym, O., Zhidkova, I., Ziganshina, Z., Ferreira-Borges, C., the, R.U.S.A.C. & the, R.U.S.A.P.A.B. 2021. Validation of a screening test for alcohol use, the Russian Federation. Bull World Health Organ, 99(7):496-505.
O'Donnell, A., Schulte, B., Manthey, J., Schmidt, C.S., Piazza, M., Chavez, I.B., Natera, G., Aguilar, N.B., Hernandez, G.Y.S., Mejia-Trujillo, J., Perez-Gomez, A., Gual, A., de Vries, H., Solovei, A., Kokole, D., Kaner, E., Kilian, C., Rehm, J., Anderson, P. & Jane-Llopis, E. 2021. Primary care-based screening and management of depression amongst heavy drinking patients: Interim secondary outcomes of a three-country quasi-experimental study in Latin America. PLoS One, 16(8):e0255594.
Patra, J., Buckley, C., Kerr, W.C., Brennan, A., Purshouse, R.C. & Rehm, J. 2021. Impact of body mass and alcohol consumption on all-cause and liver mortality in 240 000 adults in the United States. Drug Alcohol Rev.
Popova, S., Dozet, D., O'Hanlon, G., Temple, V., Rehm, J. 2021. Maternal alcohol use, adverse neonatal outcomes and pregnancy complications in British Columbia, Canada: a population-based study. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth, 21(1):74.
Popova, S., Temple, V., Dozet, D., O'Hanlon, G., Toews, C. & Rehm, J. 2021. Health, social and legal outcomes of individuals with diagnosed or at risk for fetal alcohol spectrum disorder: Canadian example. Drug Alcohol Depend, 219:108487.
Probst, C., Elton-Marshall, T., Imtiaz, S., Patte, K.A., Rehm, J., Sornpaisarn, B. & Leatherdale, S.T. 2021. A supportive school environment may reduce the risk of non-medical prescription opioid use due to impaired mental health among students. Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry, 30(2):293-301.
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Probst, C., Kilian, C., Rehm, J., Carvalho, A.F., Koyanagi, A. & Lange, S. 2021. Socioeconomic inequality in the risk of intentional injuries among adolescents: a cross-sectional analysis of 89 countries. Inj Prev, 27(4):349-355& de Vries, H. 2021. Perceived appropriateness of alcohol screening and brief advice programmes in Colombia, Mexico and Peru and barriers to their implementation in primary health care - a cross-sectional survey. Prim Health Care Res Dev, 22:e4. |
Lachenmeier, D.W., Neufeld, M. & Rehm, J. 2021. The Impact of Unrecorded Alcohol Use on Health: What Do We Know in 2020? J Stud Alcohol Drugs, 82(1):28-41. |
Lange, S., Bagge, C., Probst, C. & Rehm, J. 2021. Proportion of Individuals With Past-Year Suicidal Ideation Who Attempted Suicide Over the Past 10 Years in the United States, and the Influence of Age and Sex. Crisis, 42(2):152-156. |
Lange, S. & Rehm, J. 2021. Commentary: The COVID-19 Pandemic Is Not a Good Time to Weaken Restrictions on Alcohol Availability. Healthc Policy, 16(4):25-30. |
Llamosas-Falcon, L., Shield, K.D., Gelovany, M., Hasan, O.S.M., Manthey, J., Monteiro, M., Walsh, N. & Rehm, J. 2021. Impact of alcohol on the progression of HCV-related liver disease: A systematic review and meta-analysis. J Hepatol. |
Lopez-Pelayo, H., Campeny, E., Oliveras, C., Rehm, J., Manthey, J., Gual, A. & Balcells-Olivero, M.L.M. 2021. Early, chronic, and acute cannabis exposure and their relationship with cognitive and behavioral harms. Front Psychiatry, 12:643556. |
Lopez-Pelayo, H., Matrai, S., Balcells-Olivero, M., Campeny, E., Braddick, F., Bossong, M.G., Cruz, O.S., Deluca, P., Dom, G., Feingold, D., Freeman, T.P., Guzman, P., Hindocha, C., Kelly, B.C., Liebregts, N., Lorenzetti, V., Manthey, J., Matias, J., Oliveras, C., Pons, M.T., Rehm, J., Rosenkranz, M., Swithenbank, Z., van Deurse, L., Vicente, J., Vuolo, M., Wojnar, M. & Gual, A. 2021. Standard units for cannabis dose: Why is it important to standardize cannabis dose for drug policy and how can we enhance its place on the public health agenda? Int J Drug Policy, 97:103350. |
Lopez-Pelayo, H., Matrai, S., Balcells-Olivero, M., Campeny, E., Braddick, F., Bossong, M.G., Cruz, O.S., Deluca, P., Dom, G., Feingold, D., Freeman, T.P., Guzman, P., Hindocha, C., Kelly, B.C., Liebregts, N., Lorenzetti, V., Manthey, J., Matias, J., Oliveras, C., Pons, M.T., Rehm, J., Rosenkranz, M., Swithenbank, Z., van Deurse, L., Vicente, J., Vuolo, M., Wojnar, M. & Gual, A. 2021. Supporting future cannabis policy - Developing a standard joint unit: A brief back-casting exercise. Front Psychiatry, 12:675033. |
Manthey, J., Freeman, T.P., Kilian, C., Lopez-Pelayo, H. & Rehm, J. 2021. Public health monitoring of cannabis use in Europe: prevalence of use, cannabis potency, and treatment rates. Lancet Reg Health Eur, 10:100227. |
Manthey, J., Hassan, S.A., Carr, S., Kilian, C., Kuitunen-Paul, S. & Rehm, J. 2021. Estimating the economic consequences of substance use and substance use disorders. Expert Rev Pharmacoecon Outcomes Res:1-8. |
Manthey, J., Hassan, S.A., Carr, S., Kilian, C., Kuitunen-Paul, S. & Rehm, J. 2021. What are the Economic Costs to Society Attributable to Alcohol Use? A Systematic Review and Modelling Study. Pharmacoeconomics, 39(7):809-822. |
Manthey, J., Kilian, C., Carr, S., Bartak, M., Bloomfield, K., Braddick, F., Gual, A., Neufeld, M., O'Donnell, A., Petruzelka, B., Rogalewicz, V., Rossow, I., Schulte, B. & Rehm, J. 2021. Use of alcohol, tobacco, cannabis, and other substances during the first wave of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic in Europe: a survey on 36,000 European substance users. Subst Abuse Treat Prev Policy, 16(1):36. |
Manthey, J., Solovei, A., Anderson, P., Carr, S. & Rehm, J. 2021. Can alcohol consumption in Germany be reduced by alcohol screening, brief intervention and referral to treatment in primary health care? Results of a simulation study. PLOS ONE, 16(8):e0255843. |
McDonald, A.J., Cook, S., Turner, N.E., Ialomiteanu, A.R., Mann, R.E., Bondy, S.J., Roerecke, M., McCready, J., Millstone, D., Hamilton, H.A., Elton-Marshall, T., Rehm, J., Kurdyak, P., Ilie, G., Vingilis, E.R., Wickens, C.M., van der Maas, M. & Cusimano, M.D. 2021. Adult attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder symptoms and psychological distress, hazardous drinking, and problem gambling: A population-based study. Psychiatry Res, 301:113985. |
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