April Seaward
Jul 28, 2023
Jun 12, 2024
de Oliveira, C., Iwajomo, T. & Kurdyak, P. 2023. Mental Health Care Use among Children and Adolescents with High Health Care Costs in Ontario, Canada. JAMA Netw Open, 6(5):e2313172.
de Oliveira, C., Saka, M., Bone, L. & Jacobs, R. 2023. The Role of Mental Health on Workplace Productivity: A Critical Review of the Literature. Appl Health Econ Health Policy, 21(2):167-193.
de Oliveira, C. & Tanner, B. 2023. Estimating Cumulative Health Care Costs of Childhood and Adolescence Autism Spectrum Disorder in Ontario, Canada: A Population-Based Incident Cohort Study. PharmacoEconomics - Open, 7(6):987-995.
de Oliveira, C., Tanner, B., Colton, P. & Kurdyak, P. 2023. Understanding the Scope of Preventable Acute Care Spending among Patients with Eating Disorders. Int J Eat Disord, 56(6):1156-1187.
Abramovich, A., Gould, W.A., Pang, N., de Oliveira, C., Iwajomo, T., Vigny-Pau, M., MacKinnon, K., Lam, J.S.H. & Kurdyak, P. 2023. Exploring Mediators of Mental Health Service Use among Transgender Individuals in Ontario, Canada. The Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 68(12):933-948.
Arpin, E., de Oliveira, C., Siddiqi, A. & Laporte, A. 2023. Beyond the Mean: Distributional Differences in Earnings and Mental Health in Young Adulthood by Childhood Health Histories. SSM - Population Health, 23:101451.
Arpin, E., de Oliveira, C., Siddiqi, A. & Laporte, A. 2023. The "Long-Arm" of Chronic Conditions in Childhood: Evidence from Canada Using Linked Survey-Administrative Data. Econ Hum Biol, 50:101257.
Baliunas, D., Selby, P., de Oliveira, C., Kurdyak, P., Rosella, L., Zawertailo, L., Fu, L. & Sutradhar, R. 2023. Primary Care-Based Smoking Cessation Treatment and Subsequent Healthcare Service Utilisation: A Matched Cohort Study of Smokers Using Linked Administrative Healthcare Data. Tob Control, 32(1):72-9.
Baliunas, D., Voci, S., de Oliveira, C., Selby, P., Kurdyak, P., Rosella, L., Zawertailo, L., Fu, L. & Sutradhar, R. 2023. Association between Smoking Cessation Treatment and Healthcare Costs in a Single-Payer Public Healthcare System. Nicotine Tob Res, 25(1):86-93.
Baliunas, D., Voci, S., Selby, P., de Oliveira, C., Kurdyak, P., Rosella, L., Zawertailo, L., Fu, L. & Sutradhar, R. 2023. Incidence of Chronic Disease Following Smoking Cessation Treatment: A Matched Cohort Study Using Linked Administrative Healthcare Data in Ontario, Canada. PLOS ONE, 18(7):e0288759.
Barry, R., Rehm, J., de Oliveira, C., Gozdyra, P., Chen, S. & Kurdyak, P. 2023. Help-Seeking Behavior among Adults Who Attempted or Died by Suicide in Ontario, Canada. Suicide Life Threat Behav, 53(1):54-63.
Barry, R., Rehm, J., de Oliveira, C., Gozdyra, P., Chen, S. & Kurdyak, P. 2023. The Relationship between Rurality, Travel Time to Care and Death by Suicide. BMC Psychiatry, 23(1):345.
Husain, M.O., Khoso, A.B., Kiran, T., Chaudhry, N., Husain, M.I., Asif, M., Ansari, M., Rajput, A.H., Dawood, S., Naqvi, H.A., Nizami, A.T., Tareen, Z., Rumi, J., Sherzad, S., Khan, H.A., Bhatia, M.R., Siddiqui, K.M.S., Zadeh, Z., Mehmood, N., Talib, U., de Oliveira, C., Naeem, F., Wang, W., Voineskos, A., Husain, N., Foussias, G. & Chaudhry, I.B. 2023. Culturally Adapted Psychosocial Interventions (Capsi) for Early Psychosis in a Low-Resource Setting: Study Protocol for a Large Multi-Center Rct. BMC Psychiatry, 23(1):444.
Ma, R., Romano, E., Ashworth, M., Yadegarfar, M.E., Dregan, A., Ronaldson, A., de Oliveira, C., Jacobs, R., Stewart, R. & Stubbs, B. 2023. Multimorbidity Clusters among People with Serious Mental Illness: A Representative Primary and Secondary Data Linkage Cohort Study. Psychological Medicine, 53(10):4333-4344.
Mason, J., Laporte, A., McDonald, J.T., Kurdyak, P. & de Oliveira, C. 2023. Health Reporting from Different Data Sources: Does it Matter for Mental Health? J Ment Health Policy Econ, 26(1):33-57.
Minian, N., Saiva, A., Ahad, S., Gayapersad, A., Zawertailo, L., Veldhuizen, S., Ravindran, A., de Oliveira, C., Mulder, C., Baliunas, D. & Selby, P. 2023. Primary Healthcare Provider Experience of Knowledge Brokering Interventions for Mood Management. Health Psychology and Behavioral Medicine,
Singla, D.R., de Oliveira, C., Murphy, S.M., Patel, V., Charlebois, J., Davis, W.N., Dennis, C.-L., Kim, J.J., Kurdyak, P., Lawson, A., Meltzer-Brody, S., Mulsant, B.H., Schoueri-Mychasiw, N., Silver, R.K., Tschritter, D., Vigod, S.N. & Byford, S. 2023. Protocol for an Economic Evaluation of Scalable Strategies to Improve Mental Health among Perinatal Women: Non-Specialist Care Delivered Via Telemedicine Vs. Specialist Care Delivered in-Person. BMC Psychiatry, 23(1):817.
Tanner, B., Kurdyak, P. & de Oliveira, C. 2023. Adult Psychiatric Hospitalizations in Ontario, Canada before and During the Covid-19 Pandemic. The Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 68(12):925-932.
Vyas, M.V., Fang, J., de Oliveira, C., Austin, P.C., Yu, A.Y.X. & Kapral, M.K. 2023. Attributable Costs of Stroke in Ontario, Canada and Their Variation by Stroke Type and Social Determinants of Health. Stroke, 54(11):2824-2831.